MÉDITERRANÉE(S) - Festival 2010
Le Tombeau des baigneuses
First performance
A young man dreams of reforming the world. He is in a state of shock from a terrible image: two dead bathers on a southern Italian beach. He wants to start again from scratch. From fantasy to fantasy, we are drawn into his world. Two women – ghosts, realities, memories? – inhabit the space like the mirrors of his conscience. The three characters evolve in a musical environment which echoes the interior wanderings of the young man. These worlds merge and become confused, in a series of magnificent polyphonies.
Chaly Marty Maud Chapoutier Pauline Huruguen comédiennes Jean François Estager composition électoacoustique |
Mathilde Billaud Adèle Grépinet Marie Boethas création lumières |
Raphaël Patout |

A coproduction between the Ambronay Cultural Encounter Centre, Aragon Cultural Centre – Oyonnax, Grame – Centre national de création musicale, Compagnie des Infortunes. The company is supported by the town of Ambérieu-en-Bugey. With the support of the Théâtre de L'Elysée Lyon.
Écriture & mise en scène